Like sand through an hourglass…
On New Year’s Eve, while thinking of what 2019 may bring, I realized that time is relative. Dates, hours, minutes, years, age…it’s all relative. Time is constant and never ending. The only things going through a cycle are living things. Living things decay – wither and die. Time was invented to keep track of humanity’s decay, to remind us that we don’t last forever and that we are decaying at every moment. Every second we become one second older. Those seconds add up to minutes. Those minutes add up to hours. Those hours add up to days. Those days add up to years. If we are lucky, those years add up to an age at which death is acceptable (death via natural causes/old age). Time is simply in place to measure lifespan. Human beings created time and we push the boundaries of time using science.
Regardless, 2019 is here and just like 2018, it too will pass. The focus should not be how many years have passed or what the future years will bring, but how we are treating our decaying bodies at this very second. How we are treating others and what legacy we are building to leave behind when we are gone. Are we prolonging life or shortening it by our actions and habits? Regret is a dirty word that brings sorrow only to those who failed to recognize that they were in control of their circumstance all along.
What are your thoughts on time?